Friday, January 23, 2009

Blogger's Block, and fun pictures...

Yes I have a bit of blogger's block lately. Everytime I sit down to type something I never end up finishing my post, or I get interrupted, or if I do get a minute at the computer I prefer to research something, plus I have gotten quite busy.
I have started teaching spin twice a week (Wednesday nights at 8:30pm and Saturday mornings at 8:15am if you want to come!) I am teaching my Pump class on Monday and Thursday morning's at 6:30am and I have 3 people that I meet with every week for fitness constultations, which is a lot of fun. But with the fun takes a lot of research and prep so my spare time is usually spent creating spin classes, finding good music, or something else fitness related.
I also am addicted to a new blog and have been spending a lot of my late night time there!
Anyway what is a post without pictures right?! So here are some updated pictures of My Beautiful Lily.

You can't see the shirt very well, but it does say "Daddy's Girl". Even though she is quite attached to me, I love this shirt and got quite a few pictures of Cory holding her with this shirt on that are cute...

Yes look closely at this picture and you will see Lily's first tooth poping out of her gums!

Oh man I love bath shots! This is the day she figured out that she could splash!

Lily isn't much for sitting down anymore. She is obsessed with walking (with help) and loves this little spot at the end of Bensen's bed.

This is classic Lily! She is always grinning and such a happy girl - The room lights up when she is in it - ok so I'm a proud mom :)

Hope your having a fabulous January so far -



Krazy Keetch's said...

Such a beautiful blue eyed girl. I bet you're just lovin' havin' a little girl around. Hope you're doing good and all that good stuff!!

Kym + Marco said...

I totally understand, I seem to be having some "bloggers block" as well. I love the pics of Lily, keep them comin'!!

Jennifer said...

You have a right to be a proud mom; all three of your children are intelligent, beautiful, and talented! I love how animated Lily is--she's such a doll. I love her big, blue eyes, too. Such a beauty!

Amber said...

She is beautiful!! I just love her little cheeks! I see that she is still wearing a bib. Does that mean what I think it means? I wish that I lived closer so that I could come to one of your spin classes. I bet you make it lots of fun!!

Bree D. said...

We just LOVE Lily at our house- we don't have any blue eyed girls around here so thanks for sharing her each week with us!!!

Bethany said...

Yes, I do want to come to your spinning class. I wish you guys lived closer so I really could. Eden just tried to say Lilly but it came out "Lolly." She is such a beautiful baby! I can't get enough of her blue eyes.