Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Bensen!

This is Bensen on his Birthday, October 7th 2005.
He was 6 lbs 4 oz.

This is Bens, after he had been home a couple of weeks. Was he really ever that little??

Here he is a couple months old now, (and a little plumper)

This was taken on Bensen's 1 yr Birthday (below)

For his 2nd Birthday we had a Halloween Party and he was Superman!

And that brings us to the current.
Here is Bensen on his first day of Preschool (Sep 31'08)
He was so excited! He had his own backpack and was more then ready to take on school.
(It was just me who was not ready for him to go and give him up for someone else to enjoy! He is such my little buddy that it was REALLY hard for me. But I have made it through so far and I'm doing better now.)

We went up Provo Canyon last Thursday and took lots of fall pictures. We had a blast and it was so beautiful up in the mountains.

It has taken me forever to post this post. I think I have been putting it off because
1. It was going to take me quite a bit of time to go through the old photo's, but I think it really was because I knew I would be a sobbing mess! I love my Bens, and I love that he is growing up and doing so well. I have loved every minute of his little life. He has had so many challenges, and we have grown so close to him experiencing those challenges with him. His little life has entailed multiple surgery's, a billion it seems Dr. visit's, hearing aides since 4 months, food allergies, special food's etc But with all that he has one amazing personality! I think Heavenly Father blessed him with everything he is going to need to be a strong, confident, happy person. We live at such a great time with so many opportunities and so much focus on accepting people for who they are, no matter what challenges they may face.
I Love you Bens! Live life to the fullest!!


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday, Bensen! Jill, your children all have the most perfect little faces! I can't believe how much he has grown in just three short years! Amazing!

Amber said...

He is so precious! I loved seeing pictures of him when he was a little baby! I didn't know him then but he was sure a cutie! You are so positive, and I definitely agree- he has one cute personality! Happy Birthday Bens!

Bree D. said...

We just love Bensen!!! I agree, such a fun personality- especially when Eva is around and they get so territorial, well, Eva does anyway!!! Glad he had a great birthday. As you said, I see nothing but a great future ahead of him, and that is greatly because he has such wonderful parents who support, uplift and encourage him to be all he can be and more!!!

Kym + Marco said...

I had so much fun hanging out with Bensen at Chuck E. Cheese. He actually talked to me and let me put him on rides! He is such a sweet boy, and he and Ash really seem to do well together. Now we just need to work on the fact that Asher still thinks I'm Angie.....

Bethany said...

He is the cutest little guy ever! Sometimes Heavenly Father gives challenges to the strongest little spirits. I'm sure Benson is one of those. Everyone that knows him can't help but love him because of his cute personality.