Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Catch Up!

It has been awhile! Life has been crazy lately (nothing new right?) and I've neglected my blogging responsibility! Cory was out of town Mon - Thur last week, Bens had pneumonia, my computer died and I didn't have it for a week, and on and on I could go - but no need, life is ok again now that I can check my email! I'm always so surprised how reliant I am on my computer. I go to it every spare chance that I get! Either to check my email or see what is going on with all of you on your blogs, to checking the weather on KSL or just researching an interesting topic...what did we ever do without computers?? I know you are all with me on this! Anyways Halloween is right around the corner, so we have been preparing at my house. On Monday for family night we had a great time carving pumpkins. Everyone got into it and we ended up with some fabulous carved pumpkins!

Pre-carved Pumpkins!

Asher and Bens having a great time cleaning out the inside...

Carved Pumpkins...Our Scooby Doo pumpkin is missing from the picture.

We of course had to make our annual Halloween Sugar cookies. They turned out
great this year (or so I hear)!!!

When Cory left out of town last Monday, I decided to head to Robert's to find the boys a craft to do at night. (For those couple of hours after dinner is over and I realize I still have to entertain!) I picked us up some wood frames, and we painted them and cut shapes out of Foam sheets and used sparkle glue until our hearts were content! The boys did a fabulous job and they are now on display in their rooms.

This is Bensen's
This one is Asher's

Happy Halloween everyone!


Jennifer said...

Cute frames! I love those foam crafts; they're perfect for kids! I love your pumpkins, too. Lots of fun. Glad your hubby is back in town (it's always so hard to have them gone), glad your computer is working again (yes, I'm definitely with you on that one!!), and hopefully everyone is doing better healthwise!

Kym + Marco said...

Jill- your pumpkins turned out really good! I didn't even know that Cory went out of town. You really could call me for some help, ya know.
I'm glad to hear your computer is up and running and thus life is back on track :)

Bree D. said...

I too am glad your computer is back, really what do we do without them!! Love your pumpkins, they turned out great!! and the frames were a great idea for afternoon fun- I may be stealing that one from you! Happy Halloween!

Amber said...

What a fun craft idea!! I used to do that when i'd go visit my cousins in Florida except we'd go to the beach and collect seashells and put them around the frames instead. I am so glad your computer is running again- I totally agree, what did we ever do without them? And I am so glad Benson is feeling better!!

angspitzer said...

Cute pumpkins!! I always have this elaborate idea for pumpkins, and then I just end up cutting off the wrong piece so they never turn out the way I want haha. Yours turned out great!