Monday, July 14, 2008


A skateboard!

I can't believe my Asher is 6 years old...Time flies (I always say that), but it really does and I love to see him growing up and becoming a young man. He is such a joy in our family and keeps us on our toes!

We had a Pirate BD party for Asher and his friends. We went on a Treasure Hunt played in the pool and ate Pizza and BD Cake. These kids are hillarious- I love having boys!

Connor, Bensen, Steve, Colin, Asher, Jack

Of course Asher got MORE transformers-

Eating Cake and Ice Cream...

I always have to post Bensen's silly photo of the day...


Kym + Marco said...

I can't believe Asher is 6! Wow time really does fly, I still remember going to LDS hospital to see him. I'm sorry that I missed his party, I am seriously bummed.

Bree D. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHER!!!! What a fun party, love that picture of Bensen, that makes me laugh!!! Seriously, how do these kids get so big so fast?!!!

Jennifer said...

It does just seem like yesterday that we found out that you and Cory had to go to the hospital early to have your sweet little baby, and now he's six years old! Crazy! It was fun to see you guys yesterday--I only wish that I had gone up to see Lily's room--I bet it's so cute!

Amber said...

What a fun party!! I was a pirate for Halloween one year and I must say it was one of my better costumes! I'm sorry that Trace and I couldn't make it to his party last Monday. He got off work late :( Happy Birthday Asher!! I love Benson's picture. That kid is so cute... both are!