Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bike refurbishing...

Bensen is not very interested in riding a bike. He has a different 4-wheel bike that he is 100% happy riding and has no interest in switching. So naturally I had to get creative and figure out a way to get him on a 2-wheel bike. So I came up with a great idea! I told him we would paint it GREEN! Green is his absolute favorite color. Anything that is green he will eat, or play with it, or wear it etc. So I presented the idea to him, and he LOVED it! So here is the before picture of the bike...

Taking apart the bike was not so easy, but once that finally happened it was on to priming...

Then painting...

I thought taking the bike apart was hard, well getting the new handle bar grip things on there was no easy task either. Thank goodness I had Cory around.

Ta Da!!

He loved it! It was great to see him hop right on the bike and want to ride it. He had a big smile and was way excited!

He immediately set a goal to ride to the mailbox and back...

This project took me about a month with the weather being so crazy lately. But its all done now and Bensen is ready to transition to the 2-wheeler!! Just in time for warm-weather :)



Kari Davis said...

Way to go... the green looks fab!

Jennifer said...

What a project! I'm glad it's done, and that cute little Bensen is so pleased with the results. How cute that he set a goal to go down to the mailbox and back--like his parents for sure! And he acheived it, of course! WAY TO GO, BENSEN!!!!!

Bree D. said...

That turned out great! Asher was telling me about it on the way to school one morning- I think he was just as excited about it as Bensen!!!

Kym + Marco said...

Love the green, it turned out really good!

angspitzer said...

Tell Bens good choice. Green is my favorite color too :). Looks good.

Amber said...

Green is my favorite color too!! If only more things could be green! He is such a cutie!