Here I am creating my own blog!! (Cory would be so proud...) It's taken awhile and I've had such a great time catching up with everyone else on their blog the last couple of weeks, that it's my turn to give back a little!
OK-so update on our lives...
I have jumped right into the Digital Scrapbooking Underworld and whoa is it Super! I have so much fun downloading free stuff that I've only created 2 pages so far...but I can't create pages w/o the free stuff right??? Thanks to Bree for the instruction and for the inspiration! She has such talent!
Cory, is still working from home, and is loving it. (So do we!) We love being able to see him everyday for lunch and having him home right at 5 everyday! Who wouldn't?! (Oh and he has lent a helping hand on my photoshop challenged skills...he is amazing w/ PS and knows everything about it)
Asher, is enjoying preschool and is reading so well I'm nervous about Kindergarten...I'm hoping his attention span will hold out until they get reading next year. He is amazingly smart and has a hilarous vocabulary!! Wish I could remember what he said the other day, when I do I'll post it!
Bensen, is my little sidekick! He's such a momma's boy! He is starting to say quite a bit and enjoys playing American Gladiators with his bro and dad.
Baby Lily, is around 25 1/2 weeks now and is at that hiccup stage...if you've never been pregnant those little darlings get the hiccups just about every 30 min it seems and yes I always experience them with her!
Life is great, and it is so fab. to have time again-I just love my FAM!
Gotta run more later...