I'm so behind on updating my blog, and here is why...LIFE and priorities. I can't do everything all the time (even though I think I can). So I prioritized and blogging got pushed down, down, down. So here's a major update
Home Improvements:
First off is our Chalkboard door. I LOVE chalkboard paint! I use it constantly for little projects, but I recently got brave and painted the door that goes downstairs fully in chalkboard paint. The kids have LOVED it and I love that they have something to entertain themselves while I am making dinner :)
Here is the door before...
And here is AFTER:
Next up...I sold all of our bedroom furniture on KSL and bought a head and footboard AND a new KING sized mattress!! Wahoooooo!!
We just barely picked it up this weekend. (Even though we bought it over 3 months ago) It took me quite awhile to refinish the frames.
You should of seen Cory's face when I told him I had bought this metal frame and we needed to go pick it up. He thought I was loosing it. It was dingy white with brass balls on it. Straight from the 80's or maybe even 70's! (unfortunately I didn't take a picture of it before I got the primer on it) What I do to save a penny. (Don't bring this up with my family. They know I am extremely...money conscious, as I like to put it)
Here it is after the first coat of primer. (Imagine all the ball's and connectors a shiny brass color)
After 2 coats of Primer, and after about 10 trial colors of spray paint, I finally found the color!
Slate Blue.
Once I sprayed 2 coats on it, I went back and sanded all the scrolls to give it more of a vintage look...
And here is what it looks like in its finished state (with the KING mattress accompanying it!)
ONE disclamer....I hate to even post this picture CUZ of the hideous curtains hanging behind it. But I'm gonna anyway! We are currently redoing the whole bedroom. We just painted it white last month. All in time (and money) it will be done. Slow and steady is how we roll around here.
Next up Trampoline!
I'm sooooo unbelievably proud of my kids. We had a vase in my kitchen and we labeled it "The Trampoline Fund" Whenever they earned money they would put it in the vase. They saved up for 2 yrs! And when it was time to buy the trampoline, they saved up $188. HOLY SMOKES they're amazing. And look how happy they are.
And of course Cory loves it too
Next up Backyard. Our HOA decided that it was time we finish the rest of our backyard. Which is fine, but whoa nelly is it a money pit. So a year ago we started saving and now we are starting to move on it. (Thanks to tax refunds!)
Here you will see the before. We have almost 1/2 of it finished back there.
We didn't want to grass the rest of it, and we are an active family, so we decided to install a sports court. Here is the progression as of this weekend.
And...cement is in
I have so much more to blog about, but frankly I can't download anymore pictures so I'm out.
I love everything you're doing! That door looks great! And I want a brass bed to paint. So cute! Can't wait to see the finished backyard
Jill, you're so great! I just love your posts. Straight to the point, with a picture or two to finish things off. I am waiting for the post that says, "Backyard is complete" I can't wait to see it. Lincoln would love to sit on your back porch and watch all those trucks all day long.
I am totally loving the chalkboard paint door!! Please post pics of your backyard when it gets finished, I know Marco is excited to see how it turns out :)
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