Thursday, May 15, 2008

Anniversary, Soccer, T-Ball, all in a week of fun...

On Wednesday was my anniversary. 9 years, I can't even believe it! Really it goes by sooo fast! But I want to send lots of love to my husband. We are different enough, and oddly similar enough that we always keep it interesting. We share a unique love for each other and an awesome love for our kids, and for that I am blessed.

As the title goes we have been pretty busy with Asher's schedule lately. With T-Ball and Soccer games and practices all on different days we pretty much have something to do every night of the week. I love to watch him have a good time and be active.

Of course Bensen has to get in on the action!


Jennifer said...

OH my goodness, Jill, I LOVE that page of your "wedding hands". It's beautiful!

Good job, Asher on T-ball and soccer! You look so big and handsome!

And Bensen, you are such a doll! You totally crack me up!

Love you guys!

Bree D. said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!It is hard to believe that I hadn't even met Paul yet when you two were married!! I also LOVE the page you scraped, just stunningly beautiful.

Good luck to Asher in all his sports, he looks like a natural!

angspitzer said...

Wow, I can't believe you guys have been together for 9 years!!!! Congratulations!

Amber said...

I am so loving that picture of Benson on the ground with his ball! And I love how Asher is about half the size of the kid next to him in the picture. I bet you are having lots of fun! We can't wait until Lily gets here too!

Kym + Marco said...

Congrats on your anniversary! I love the page that you did, it's gorgeous.